This is an in-house, customized program, which goes beyond the normal "raw-raw, touchy-feely" exercises of "team building." In this program:
- In a positive, enjoyable manner, the critical factors needed to be addressed to obtain optimal, effective teamwork are identified;
- The team and each team member then comes up with a personalized plan of action to optimize the teamwork of the team or organization;
- A system is then developed for the team to hold eachother accountable for their intended results.
Some of the topics covered in a typical program are:
- Establishing a solid foundation for teamwork;
- The three requirments for being an effective team member;
- the boundary between "me" and the team;
- Identifying your team or organization's unique barriers to effective teamwork;
- Two ways to organize a team and their outcome;
- The requirements for effective teamwork;
- Making an honest assessment;
- Developing a realistic, practical plan for more effective teamwork;
- My personalized planof action.
- How to make the plan become reality!
©2000 Robert King and Associates, Inc. All Rights Reserved